The Season of Magic is here, and Diablo 4 brings a ton of new updates. In addition to new season mechanics, we’re also getting more Unique and Legendary Items, further expanding our arsenal of weapons and armor. Each class receives exclusive items, so it’s time to check out all the cool new gear.
All New Season 7 Uniques
Mantle of Mountain’s Wrath (Barbarian Chest Armor)
- 50% Hammer of the Ancients Damage for 5 Seconds After the Earthquake Explodes
- +[200-350] Steel
- +[3-5] to the Hammer of the Ancients
- +[2-3] to Defensive Stance
- +[13.5-22.5]% Chance of an Earthquake Causing Double Damage
- Hammer of the Ancients also forms a seismic line that deals damage and slows enemies hit [60-80]% for 4 seconds. The earthquake it passes through explodes with total damage and is consumed.
Memory of Indira (Necromancer Pants)
- +25.0% Resistance to All Elements
- +[7.8-10.0]% Willpower
- +[154.8-200.0]% Werewolf Critical Strike Damage
- +[8.0-12.5]% Movement Speed when Transforming into a Werewolf
- +[1-2] to Feral Aptitude Your Lupine Ferocity’s consecutive Critical Strike Damage value is increased to [100 – 150]%[x] against enemies when performing consecutive Critical Attacks.
Kessime’s Legacy (Necromancer Pants)
- 800 Item Power
- 160 Armor
- Casting Blood Waves Fortifies You For +85.0% Maximum Life.
- +[218.9-300.0]Main Damage %
- [9.5-14.5]% Damage Reduction when Fortified
- +[25.8-34.9]% Chance of Blood Wave Dealing Double Damage
- [15.9-25.0]% Blood Wave Cooldown Reduction
- Blood Waves now form waves on each side of you. Both waves gather at your feet, Attract all nearby enemies and explode [X-X] damage. Every time a wave hits an enemy, they attack [5.00-10.00]% more damage from your Blood Wave, up to [150.0-300.0]%.
Killer Step (Naughty Shoes)
- 800 Item Power
- 64 Armor
- Mobility Skill Grants +100% Movement Speed for 2 seconds
- +[40.0-50.0]% Shadow Resistance
- [14.0-20.9]% Mobility Cooldown Reduction
- +[1-2] for Mobility Skills
- +[2-3] to Shadow Imbuement
- Mobility Skills are always Shadow Inspired [40-80]%[x] increased potential. Lucky Hit: Damage an Elite or Boss with Mobility Skill reaching a [40-80]% chance to trigger a free Shadow Imbuement explosion instantly.
Continuing War-Crozier (Spiritborn Quarterstaff)
- 40% Chance of Blocking
- +[132-152] Dexterity
- +[610-680] Maximum Living
- +[20.9-30.0]% Chance of Potential Skill to Deal Double Damage
- +[2-4] to Focus Skills
- Your Focus Skill benefits from all its Enhancements, and increases the damage of your Potential Skill by [10-20]% for 8 seconds, up to [100 – 200]%.
Evil Crescent (Druid Amulet)
- 800 Item Power
- 160 Armor
- Removing Bone Spear Reduces Blood Wave Cooldown by 2 Seconds
- +[88.0-115.0]Awesome Damage %
- [21.0-30.0]% Damage Reduction when Injured
- [16.0-25.0]% Maximum Life
- +[2-3] to Blood Wave
- Blood Wave is also a Bone Skill that spawns a Bone Prison at its end point and increases the damage of your Blood Skill by [40-80]%[x] for 8 seconds when thrown. Bone Spear is also a Blood Skill and will drain 10% of Maximum Life each cast after hitting an enemy to consume nearby Corpses and launch one new Bone Spear.
Stormhorn Attack (Magician Focus)
- 800 Item Power
- 297 Damage Per Second
- [198-298] Damage per Hit
- 20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
- Chance of Throwing Ball Lightning Projectiles Twice Now Chance of Throwing Super Ball Lightning
- +[101.5-108.5]% Critical Strike Damage
- +[187.0-250.0]% Ball Lightning Projectile Speed
- +[2-3] to the Lightning Ball
- +[12.9-17.3]% Chance of a Ball Lightning Projectile being Thrown Twice
- The Lightning Ball splashed on contact [60-100]%[x] increases damage and stuns the enemy for 1 second if it reaches its maximum range. Super Ball Lightning is bigger, 100% deal[x] greater damage, higher Lucky Hit chance, and Stun duration increased to 3 seconds.
Okun Catalyst (Magician Focus)
- 800 Item Power
- 297 Damage Per Second
- [198-298] Damage per Hit
- 20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
- Lightning Balls Can Be Thrown While Moving
- +[26-35]% Attack Speed for 5 seconds after Using a Defensive Skill
- +[0.9-1.5]% Damage Reduction for Each Active Ball Lightning
- +[2-3] to the Lightning Ball
- +[12.9-17.3]% Chance of a Ball Lightning Projectile being Thrown Twice
- Ball Lightning orbits you, creating a static field that damages all enemies within it [140-180]%[x] Ball Lightning damage per active ball and grants Unhindered as long as the field remains active.
Notes: The Wizards don’t have a Quirk assigned exclusively to them yet, but we’ll probably see one during the update.
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